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Students and instructors

A photograph composed of 24 student and 4 staff portraits. First row (left too right): W. Wiebe, E Peters, B. Hamm, E. Thielmann, D. Dirks, H. Wiebe, H. Willms, R. Klassen. Second row (left to right): B. Klassen, Mr. Wiebe, conductor, Jake Friesen, principal, George Thielmann, instructor, Mr. Kasdorf, instructor. Third row: (left to right): B. Brandt, John Thielmann, H. Senft, A. Hamm. Fourth row (left to right): A. Froese, A. Wiebe, L. Dirks, E. Rogolsky, M. Penner, E. Willms, Frieda Kroeker, F. Willms, Herta Thielmann


Winnipeg Central MB Church ordination

This photo is a group shot taken after an ordination service for the diaconate ministry at Winnipeg Central MB Church. Present in the photo are (l-r) George and Mary Baier, Walter and Hildegard Thiessen, Viktor and Margaret Hamm, Peter and Heidi Plett, Arthur and Hertha Martens, and Isaak and Tina Dyck.

MHSS Annual Meeting

  • CA MHSS UNK 171
  • Item
  • 26 January 2001

Edna & Walter Thiessen and Hedie Loewen (Thiessen) at MHSS Annual Meeting in First Mennonite Church.


Students and instructors

A photograph composed of 24 student and 2 instructor portraits Top row (left to right): H. Neufeld, A. Wiebe, E. Nightingale, I. Peters, Victor Thiessen, E. Willms, L. Willms, R. Leis, M. Suppes. Second row (left to right): J. Baerg, E. Thiessen, Agnes (Janzen) Koop, M. Stobbe. Third row (left to right): A. Baerg, Jake Friesen, principal, Mr. Penner, instructor, A. Unger. Fourth row (left to right): E. Rogalsky, L. Dirks, Marlene Penner, Frieda (Penner) Kroeker, B. Brandt, John Thielmann, A. Hamm, A Wiebe, F. Willms.

Raike, Paul

Ralph Arthur Lebold

  • CA MAO 1984-1 682
  • Item
  • 1953

Ralph Arthur Lebold. OMBS & I photo

Trussler Studio

Ontario Mennonite Bible Institute graduates in

  • CA MAO 1987-1 218
  • Item
  • 1943

Ontario Mennonite Bible Institute graduates in 1943. Back (L-R): Mildred Snyder, Pauline Fretz, Zelma Baer, Luella Axt, Esther Eichorn, Alvin Gingerich, Norman Shantz, E. Clare Shantz, Melvin Shantz; Front: Catharine Culp Hallman, Mabel Cressman, Martha Baer, Martha Horst Koch.

Trussler Studio

OMBS graduates, 1949

  • CA MAO 1994-1 190
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  • 1949

Studio photo of OMBS graduates, 1949. Six copies of photo, each slightly different but same seating arrangement. Used in "North Star" 1949. Differences in dress (trimmed or white collars on the women's dresses) are of note.

Trussler Studio

Individual photos of OMBI graduates, 1956,

  • CA MAO 1994-1 193
  • Item
  • 1956

Individual photos of OMBI graduates, 1956, grouped in circular fashion, with names & office (pres. & sec.); school name in the center. The individual photos are the same as those in the "North Star" pp.33f.

Trussler Studio

Clifford and Doris Snyder family

  • CA MAO 1994-1 93
  • Item

Formal Snyder family picture including Clifford Snyder, Doris Sndyer, Margaret Anne Snyder and Arnold Snyder.

Trussler Studio

Lorraine Roth

  • CA MAO 1991-1 57
  • Item
  • 1980

Lorraine Roth

Troyer Studio

The formal wedding picture of Edith and Alfred, 1960

This is a photo of Edith Dick (Koop) and Alfred Dick posing for their formal wedding photo. Behind them is a painted backdrop of an arched window and a curved staircase.

Toews Photo Studio (Winnipeg, Manitoba)

Results 1 to 15 of 256691