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81102 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects

News Releases

Press announcements authored and distributed by the Mennonite World Conference. These records provide a good overview of the Mennonite World Conference's work and developments in Mennonite conferences and congregations worldwide from 1981 thorugh the 2000s. Researchers should note that there are no press releases from 1982 in this series.

World Fellowship Sunday Worship Materials

This series consists of "idea sheets," resource guides, music, and other resources for worship services centered around the celebration of Mennonite and Brethren in Christ churches worldwide. Materials are in multiple languages, most often English, Spanish, French, German, and Dutch. Also included is correspondence providing feedback on the worship resources.

Peace Council Records

Reports, minutes, correspondence, and subject files pertaining to the Peace Council. The Peace Council first gathered as the International Mennonite Peace Committee (IMPC) in 1979 in Nicaragua and Colombia. The council serves to encourage the exchange of informaiton and resouces in peace and justice activities worldwide. These reocrds also contain documentation of a predecessor organization, the Provisional Peace Team (1972-1978).

Interchurch Relations Records

This series documents ecumenical and interfaith activites of the Mennonite World Conference. Researchers will find materials pertaining to the Lutheran - Mennonite reconciliation process as well as documents recording dialogue with Baptists, Catholics, Jews, and the Reformed Church. Researchers will also find materials pertaining to delegations to the USSR (Soviet Union) in this series. Documents pertaining to ecumenical relations prior to 1982 may be found in the records of the presidium in Series 1: Assembly Records.

Faith & Life Council Records

The Faith & Life Council was created in 1993 to determine how Mennonite World Conference churches understand and describe Anabaptist-Mennonite faith and practice, to enable member churches to receive and give council Anabaptist-Mennonite identity and action, and to develop relationships interchurch relationships of mutual accountability. Records in this series include minutes and reports, correspondence, and a small reference library of congregational and denominational Mennonite confession statements. Also included in this series are the records documenting the creation of the shared convictions in 2006, including questionnaires returned by Mennonite World Conference members.


Brief daily entries documenting the weather and daily activities.

Notes for Orie O. Miller Biography

This series consists primarily of notecards created by Erb in the course of writing his 1969 biography of Mennonite lay leader and administrator Orie O. Miller. The notecards are organized by subject and contain references to orignal documents found in the Orie O. Miller papers and other archival holdings. They also contain anecdotes shared by Miller and others regarding Miller's family life and career. A small set of assembled documents and clippings about Miller and his work, as well as a transcript of an interview with Miller, also may be found in this series.

Miscellaneous Materials

Includes a financial ledger (1903-1920), records of Hallman's teaching at Hesston Bible College, materials on the Martin-Hallman Clothing Company, photographs of Daniel Kauffman and T. K. Hershey, and other miscellaneous materials.

Results 1 to 15 of 256578