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{26} H. S. Bender to Paul Schowalter at Mannheim, Theo Glück near Karlsruhe, Ulrich Hege near Elsenz and Richard Hertzler at Ludwigshafen; H. S. Bender to Hostetler

{26} H. S. Bender to Paul Schowalter at Mannheim, Theo Glück near Karlsruhe, Ulrich Hege near Elsenz and Richard Hertzler at Ludwigshafen, October 9, 1953: the introductory letter, in German, explaining John A. Hostetler was present on a one-year Fulbright grant with his wife Beulah Stauffer [Beulah Stauffer Hostetler]; much more detail and elaboration; cc to Hostetler.
REPLY, H. S. Bender to John A. Hostetler (Heidelberg University), October 13, 1953: glad for your letter from Heidelberg; had written the introductory letter (see item[s] shortly above).

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