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Seniors on the steps of the church
Seniors on the steps of the church
Morgenstern Bible school of Coaldale
Morgenstern Bible school of Coaldale
Three men in front of Coaldale Bible school
Three men in front of Coaldale Bible school
Family of 10 children
Family of 10 children
Peter and Gertrude (Wiens) Rogalsky
Peter and Gertrude (Wiens) Rogalsky
Hilda Enns
Hilda Enns
Abram Enns
Abram Enns
Baggage brought to the ship
Baggage brought to the ship
Loading the ship Bruton at Libau
Loading the ship Bruton at Libau
Coaldale church orchestra
Coaldale church orchestra
Women's music group
Women's music group
Coaldale orchestra
Coaldale orchestra
Ministers in Coaldale
Ministers in Coaldale
Church leader in Alberta
Church leader in Alberta
Ergebnisse: 1 bis 15 von 81189