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13 new members.

This photo is of 13 newly baptized or transferred members of Westwood Community Church. Pictured are (back, l-r) Eldon and Bettie Pullman, Dave and Tina Hamm, Sue and Cornie Riediger, Rennie Giesbrecht, Kevin Wessel, Trent Reimer, Jason Havevert, Kathy Manchuk, and pastor Travis Reimer.

Aboriginal baptism

This photo is of a group of young Aboriginal men getting baptized in a lagune in the Paraguayan Chaco. Notice that the baptism service is led by Aboriginals. The first Aboriginal preacher to be ordained in the Paraguayan Chaco was Sepe Lhama in 1976. Used in the book" Garden in the Wilderness", by Edgar Stoesz p. 120.

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