A Mennonite Church opposite Grudenz (Grudziadz?), Poland on the Vistula River after being abandoned during the post Second World War era. Duplicate photo included in file. Two copies of photo.
Hagey Mennonite Church in ruins after being destroyed by a fire on February 19, 1953. This was the second fire that took place at this church, the first one having been on January 15, 1950.
Hagey Mennonite Church in ruins after being destroyed by a fire on February 19, 1953. This was the second fire that took place at this church, the first one was on January 15, 1950.
This fonds consists of six series: -1) Church membership ledgers recording vital statistics -2) Minutes of the brotherhood, ministerial, and finance committee meetings -3) Financial records, legal documents, and correspondence -4) Fire insurance records -5) Bergthaler Waisenamt (aid organization) records -6) Disbanding of the Organization.
Built ca. 1853, used until 1917. (L.J.Burkholder collection). The congregation was also known as Sherkston Mennonite Church. After the Old Order Mennonite division of 1889, the congregation shared the building with the Bertie Old Order. The building was sold to the Brethren in Christ in 1931.