- CA MHC 721-46-08
- Item
- 1993
A photo of Walnut Receiving Home at 171 Walnut Street in Winnipeg, Manitoba.
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A photo of Walnut Receiving Home at 171 Walnut Street in Winnipeg, Manitoba.
This is a photo of the house at 222 Rosser Avenue. The house was the former residence of Rev. Jake Unrau and Trudy Unrau, and later Rev. Jake Wiebe and Helen Wiebe.
A. A. DeFehr residence in Millerowo
Part of Gerhard Lohrenz fonds
This is a photo of the city of Millerowo. The white house in front was the home of the A. A. DeFehr family which was built in 1906. [HR 107]
A beautifully carved second story of an old house in Frunze
Used in CM 17-3-1. Caption: "A beautifully carved second story of an old house in Frunze which unfortunately may soon have to give way to prefabricated and quickly erected modern apartment blocks." See 1994-14.1774.
Dyck, Peter J., 1914-2010
A car driving in front of what is assumed to be
A car driving in front of what is assumed to be Reverend W.F. Bindeman's home on King St. The Reverend later moved to Young St. where he died. Used in Hannes Schneider, p. 120H.
A Cellar room in Heilbronn, Germany
Note on back of photo: "A Cellar room in Heilbronn." The ceiling & walls are in a state of disrepair. It is a makeshift dwelling in postwar Germany. Probably taken in the 1940s just after the war. See related photo in 2001-14.142.
A Chilliwack, British Columbia farm house and
A Chilliwack, British Columbia farm house and gardens. Not found in CM.
A family in a cellar room in Heilbronn, Germany
Note on back: "A family in a cellar room in Heilbronn." Six family members are seated around a table at right while an older woman (the grandmother?) stands at the stove. Probably taken in the late 1940s just after the war. See related photo in 2001-14.143.
Part of Peter Klassen Homeland for Strangers Photograph Collection
This is a photo of a large house with trees and a fence in the foreground. This house was built in 1803 in Marienau.
A group of 6 single houses built by Pax men
Used in CM 4-26-3. A group of 6 single houses built by Pax men; made of cement blocks, with steep roofs of clay tiles. In total 11 houses had been built in the area of Bielefeld by the paxmen. C.f. houses in 1994-14.2203.
Part of Jacob M. Unrau fonds
This photo shows the home of Laurence and Dot ? at Matheson Island.
A home in Saigon, made of thatched straw
A home in Saigon, made of thatched straw. The women thatch the straw.
Color photo of a house. It is located up on a hill, above the rest of the community. It is winter time, there are drifts of snow in front of the house. Also at St. Anthony?
Part of Koop Family fonds
This is a photo of 303 Mckay Ave. in the winter. There are a few other houses and some small bare trees.
Part of Koop Family fonds
This is a photo of several houses, bare trees and lots of snow.