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Five baptismal candidates and a pastor are standing in the sanctuary. The ladies are wearing white dresses. Left to right: Rev. N.N. Friesen, Rita Dyck, Elsie Hildebrandt, Alice Hoock, Elvera Redekop and Jake Sawatzky.

Goetz family

Goetz family left to right : Rudy Goetz, Grandma Janzen, George Goetz and his wife Anna Janzen Goetz.


Home of Rudy Goetz grandparents

Home of the Grandparents of Rudy Goertz in Fuerstenwerder, Russia. A couple is standing outside the fence in front of the large house. Could this be the home of his parents in Fuerstenwerder?


Helen Goetz with grandson Rudy Goetz

  • CA MHSBC 215-1-2011.004.039
  • Einzelstück
  • [ca.1926-1928]
  • Teil vonRudy Goetz fonds

Grandmother Helen Goertz in her home in Yarrow, BC. Rudy was born in Dalmeny, Saskatchewan in 1921. He joined the Canadian Air Force and was killed in a crash during World War 2. He lived in Yarrow BC before joining the Air Force.

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A studio photo of Mr. and Mrs. Enns who were deacons in the Ukraine.


Instructors and students

A group of fifty-four graduates and four instructors. Top row (left to right) : Aaron Koehn, Jake Enns, Helena Abrahams, A. Martens, Mary Isaak, Katie Ewert, Mary Loewen, Lydia Martens, Elma Loewen, Martha Martens, Mary Pauls, Edwin Krause. Second row (left to right) : John Janzen, Menno Unger. Third row (left to right) : Instructors Herman Lenzmann, Abe Neufeld, Henry Warkentin, George Sukkau. Fourth row (left to right) : M. Matties, Mary Brun, Betty Krause, Hilda Neumann, Bertha Loewen, Lillian Hooge, Katie Klassen, Mary Fast, Frieda Friesen, Katie Fast, Helen Siebert, Elfrieda Rempel. Fifth row (left to right) : Cornelius Penner, Frank Dyck, G. Baerg, John Wittenberg, H Enns, S Martens, Mary Fast, Frieda Epp, John Friesen, Tony Loewen, Willie Giesbrecht, Neil Klassen. Sixth row (left to right) : Jake Schmidt, John Wiebe, J. Neufeld, Corney Allert. Seventh row (left to right) : George Heinrichs, Anne Fast, F Martins, A. Kopp, E. Toews, E. Kopp, Dave Giesbrecht, Willie Koop, L.Schmidt, A Dyck, Katie Klassen, Peter Kaethler.

Female students Yarrrow Bible school

A group of female students on the steps in front of the school building. Standing (left to right) : Annie Geortzen, Martha (Braun) Peters, Elizabeth (Dyck) Peters, Hilda (Neumann) Klassen, Katherine Janzen, Lena Bargen, Edna (Toews) Thiessen, Katie (Neufeld) Dyck, Mary (Braun) Stobbe, Margaret (Voth) Thiessen, Margaret (Hamm) Epp, Mary (Fast) Krause, Elizabeth Loewen Sawatsky, Sue Epp, Kathy (Dyck) Dahl, Betty (Koehn) Classen, Frieda (Reimer) Kasdorf, Elvera (Harder) Dyck, Helena (Dyck) Schmidt, Margaret (Klassen) Epp.

Bakerview staff

Bakerview church staff. They are standing in (what looks like) a living room and beside a piano. Standing (left to right) ; Linda Funk, Tim Wiebe, Henry Thiessen. Sitting (left to right) : Laura Kalmar, Michael Dick (lead pastor).

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