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Johann & Helena (Klippenstein)  Jantzen family
Johann & Helena (Klippenstein) Jantzen family
Red Cross car with driver Jake Martens
Red Cross car with driver Jake Martens
Abraham A.  and  Katharina Enns
Abraham A. and Katharina Enns
Graduates of Mennonite Brethren Bible College
Graduates of Mennonite Brethren Bible College
Display of donated materials
Display of donated materials
Abram and Anna (Dueckmann) Wiens
Abram and Anna (Dueckmann) Wiens
Representatives of Welfare and Peace Organizations of Canada
Representatives of Welfare and Peace Organizations of Canada
MCC Board of 9 members
MCC Board of 9 members
Groundbreaking at new MCC building on Marshall Road
Groundbreaking at new MCC building on Marshall Road
Dr. David  Kuhl
Dr. David Kuhl
Paul Couillard
Paul Couillard
Clothing depot sign
Clothing depot sign
Official opening
Official opening
Craft selling
Craft selling
Results 1 to 15 of 81199