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Female students

Female students with their teachers at the Coaldale Bible school. Johann Toews is standing at the far left side.


Male students

Male students with their teachers at the Coaldale Bible school.


Students and teachers

Bible school student and their teachers. Johan Aron Toews is standing at the wall on the far left.


Students and teachers

Coaldale Bible school students and teachers. Johann Aron Toews is standing in the second row in the middle with the white beard.

Sparkletonne photography


Bible school students in front of the school.


Students and teachers

Bible school students and teachers. Johann Araon Toews is standing to the far left of the picture.


School picnic

Coaldale Bible school students and teachers on a school picnic .


Coaldale church choir

Coaldale Mennonite Brethren church choir. First row (left to right): Peter Dick, Helen Janz, J.B. Toews, Mary (Janz) Neumann, George Schmidt. Second row (left to right): Susanna (Martens) Walde, Katie (Klassen) Regehr, Elizabeth (Klassen) Langemann, Neta Brooks, Johanna Klassen, Helen Martens, Mary Dick, Anna Brucks. Third row (left to right): unknown, unknown, unknown. Fourth row (left to right): Elfrieda Klassen, ? Koop, Tina Dick, David Martens, Liese Dick, unknown. Fifth row (left to right): unknown, unknown, Susie Brucks, Isaak Janzen, Tina Enns, unknown, Lydia (Toews) Dick, Peter Martens

Mennonite leaders in Manitoba

A large group of Mennonite leaders posing outdoors in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Sitting on rug (left to right) : Jacob B. Janz, unknown, unknown. Sitting on bench (left to right) : Aron A. Toews, unknown, David Toews, Unknown, B.B. Janz. Third row (left to right) : unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, C.F. Klassen, unknown, D.D. Durksen, unknown, unknown.


Continuing the construction of the Coaldale MB Church.


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