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267445 Treffer anzeigen

Archivische Beschreibung
Druckvorschau Ansicht:

91784 Treffer mit digitalen Objekten Treffer mit digitalen Objekten anzeigen

Abram and Anna Dyck
Abram and Anna Dyck
Ohne Titel
Ohne Titel
Abram and Anna Dyck photos
Abram and Anna Dyck photos
Ohne Titel
Ohne Titel
Ohne Titel
Ohne Titel
Kornelius & Elizabeth Friesen Klassen family
Kornelius & Elizabeth Friesen Klassen family
Charlotte Wiebe Photograph Collection
Charlotte Wiebe Photograph Collection
Ohne Titel
Ohne Titel
Looking through an arch known as Langgassertor to the town hall in Danzig
Looking through an arch known as Langgassertor to the town hall in Danzig
Looking at the sidewalk along Zopengasse in Danzig
Looking at the sidewalk along Zopengasse in Danzig
Famous metal works and artistic entrance in Danzig
Famous metal works and artistic entrance in Danzig
Brotbänkengasse and arch at Mottlau in Danzig
Brotbänkengasse and arch at Mottlau in Danzig
An entrance to a building in Danzig, Poland
An entrance to a building in Danzig, Poland
An entrance to a building in Danzig
An entrance to a building in Danzig
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