This is a photo of members of the Board of Evangelism seated around a conference table at a Canadian MB Conference convention. From L-r: J.J. Toews, ?, Jake Schmidt, Jake Bergen, John M. Schmidt, and George Braun.
This is a photo of delegates sitting at a table for the Sunday School Teachers banquet at a Canadian MB Conference convention. The two men at the front of the picture are identified as, l-r: I.W. Redekopp and Herman Lenzmann.
MEI high school group on a mission trip to Montreal with teachers David Loewen and his wife Agnes Grace (Enns) Loewen standing in the back row and Brian Knoll standing to David's left.
Begräbnis während der Gründung der Kolonie Fernheim. (Peter Regier, Lichtfelde) Der Sarg ist aus dem ausgehöhlten Stamm eines Flaschenbaumes hergestellt worden.
Students at the village school in Nikolaipol. One of the teachers, in the third row, sixth one from the left, is Johann Braun. In the fourth row, third person from the right is Marichen (Rempel) Goerz.