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91829 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects

Greendale Bible School fonds
Greendale Bible School fonds
Fraserview Mennonite Brethren Church fonds
Fraserview Mennonite Brethren Church fonds
Vancouver Mennonite Brethren Church fonds
Vancouver Mennonite Brethren Church fonds
Jacob and Sara Voth Thiessen
Jacob and Sara Voth Thiessen
Neufeld family
Neufeld family
Lydia, her sister Kathryn and brother in law Kornelius Neufeld
Lydia, her sister Kathryn and brother in law Kornelius Neufeld
Alexanderwohl church
Alexanderwohl church
Greendale altenfest
Greendale altenfest
Louise Dueckmann
Louise Dueckmann
Farmers leading oxen
Farmers leading oxen
Forestry workers
Forestry workers
Two forestry workers sitting on a bench
Two forestry workers sitting on a bench
Results 1 to 15 of 267495