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Greendale Bible School fonds

  • CA MHSBC 68
  • Sammlung
  • 1938-1943

Fonds consists of the following series:
1) History - 1938-1943 (1 file) - Box 178

Greendale Bible School (Chilliwack, British Columbia)

Fraserview Mennonite Brethren Church fonds

  • CA MHSBC 41
  • Sammlung
  • 1964-1990

Fonds is arranged in the following series:
1) Constitution - 1976, 1985, 1989 - (1 file) Box 119
2) Bulletins - 1971, 1979, 2023 - (1 file) Box 119
3) Financial - 1964, 1989 - (1 file) Box 119
4) Minutes - 1989-1990 - (1 file) Box 119
5) Reports - 1988-1990 - (1 file) Box 119
6) Correspondence - 1989-1990 - (1 file) Box 119
7) Lists (Nominating Committee) - 1990 - (1 file) Box 119

Fraserview Mennonite Brethren Church (Richmond, British Columbia)

Vancouver Mennonite Brethren Church fonds

  • CA MHSBC 146
  • Sammlung
  • [1940-1950]

The fonds consists of the following files:
1) Minutes, 1984 - (1 file) Box 302
2) Correspondence - (1 file) Box 302
3) Reports, 1966 - (1 file) Box 302
4) Financial, 1968 - (1 file) Box 302
5) Certificates, 1933-1945 - (1 file) Box 302
6) Bulletins, 1977-1989 - (1 file) Box 302
7) Photographs -2 photographs
8) Publications - Membership address book for Vancouver MB Church and Fraserview MB Church, 1955 - (1 file) Box 302

Vancouver Mennonite Brethren Church (Vancouver, British Columbia)

Neufeld family

Heide Nadene and her brother Ernst David Neufeld (grandchildren of Kornelius and Kathyrn (Regehr) Neufeld), are sitting at the piano with their mother?

Unbekannt ...


Graduation of Lydia Regehr at Mennonite Brethren College in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Left to right : Lydia Regehr, unknown.

Unbekannt ...

Alexanderwohl church

Alexanderwohl church originated in 1874 when descendants of Mennonite immigrants came to Kansas from Alexanderwohl, Russia. In the foreground there is a the plaque of names of early settlers and threshing stone.


Louise Dueckmann

  • CA MHSBC 239
  • Sammlung
  • 1918-1927


Farmers leading oxen

Two farmers working with oxen pulling the plow to plow the fields.


Forestry workers

Two forestry workers in their quarters reading and discussing. One is sitting on a chair and the other is lying on the bed.


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