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Walter Quiring Papers 1932-1950

  • US BCMLA 00/MS.139
  • Collection
  • 1932-1950

Part I is a manuscript entitled “Gott hört uns nicht mehr”.  This appears to be a first-person, historical novel about Mennonites in the “Gulag” in the Soviet Union in the 1930s.  Previously, this item was cataloged in the MLA's library, accession #17547, acquired in 1972.       

Part II is a manuscript entitled “Wenn Gott die Weiche stellt”.  This is another historical novel, about Mennonite refugees from the Soviet Union.  This item was also cataloged in the MLA's library collection, accession #17462, acquired in 1972.       

Part III is a collection of source documents and notes entitled “Material zur Geschichte der Mennoniten in Brasilien”.  Most of the material covers the late 1940s and early 1950s.  As one can see, not all of the material is about Brazil.  These papers were at the Mennonite Church USA Archives–Goshen until 2011; the North Newton archives had photocopies.  The arrangement of the material here corresponds as closely as possible to Quiring's own outline for it.  Folder 22 is a manuscript by Johann Sjouke Postma entitled “Fernheim, Fernes Heim?”.  Folders 26-29 are not part of Quiring's outline.  The MLA has 909 individually numbered pages in this section.       

Part IV is a rough draft entitled “Witmarsum am Krauel”.  This is a more polished draft rather than a collection of documents as in Part III.  These are arranged according to Quiring's outline.  Folder 45 is not part of Quiring's outline and just contains notes, sources, and bibliography.       

Part V is entitled “Material zur Geschichte der Auflösung der Ansiedlung Witmarsum in Santa Catarina”.  This is again a collection of source documents and notes, from the late 1940s and early 1950s.  These items are photographic copies; that is, copies on photographic paper, not xerographic copies.  The present location of the originals [1989] is unknown.  The arrangement is according to Quiring's outline, but Roman numeral XIX from his outline, “Verschiedenes,” is missing. These deteriorating pages have been scanned [2011], in folder archives/ms_139.       

Part VI is a draft entitled “Canadische Mennoniten 1875-1975".  The termination date of 1975 seems somewhat strange since the manuscript was acquired by the MLA in 1972 and was cataloged as part of the MLA's library collection, accession #17461.  The manuscript may have been modified since 1972.  This is once again a draft rather than a collection of documents.  These are original materials, not photocopies.  The message of this rather rough draft is a bitter denunciation of contemporary Canadian Mennonitism for being different from the Mennonitism of Quiring's childhood.  The contents bear only a slight resemblance to Quiring's accompanying outline and may not be in original order.       

Part VII consists of two folders of miscellaneous drafts of articles by Quiring and several of his writings that had earlier been cataloged in the MLA library holdings.

Quiring, Walter, 1893-1983

Honora Becker Papers

  • US BCMLA 00/MS.147
  • Collection
  • 1920-1982

Genealogical, biographical, funeral guest book, diplomas, diaries, photos, (an embroidered shawl or scarf was transferred to Kauffman Museum, 2 Nov 2006), correspondence, writings, master’s thesis, will, diplomas, signed photo of Albert Schweitzer, Bethel contracts and other Bethel-related items, financial, clippings, teaching material, card file of English graduates, slides, diaries, scrapbook, lecture notes, tribute by Anna Juhnke, funeral program, Bethel Christmas banquet, slides - mostly British Isles, files on English literary authors, places, topics; pressed flowers, miscellaneous notes

Becker, Honora, 1899-1982

Lucy Goldschmid Knittel Papers

  • US BCMLA 00/MS.148
  • Collection
  • 1900-1930

Chinese language item(s), photos, biographical material, correspondence, school certificates, Red Cross history manuscript, art print

Knittel, Lucy Goldschmid, 1887-1938

Theodore R. Schellenberg Papers

  • US BCMLA 00/MS.149
  • Collection
  • 1934-1970

includes primarily notes and writings on family history; and articles and offprints by him

Schellenberg, T. R. (Theodore R.), 1903-1970

Jacob ter Meulen Papers

  • US BCMLA 00/MS.150
  • Collection
  • 1920-1940

various notes and correspondence, appears to be related to his peace activities

Meulen, Jacob ter, 1884-1962

Arthur J. Frey and Cornelius Frey Papers

  • US BCMLA 00/MS.152
  • Collection
  • 1890-1980

The collection has two distinct groups of materials. The larger group is the papers of Cornelius Frey. These papers contain a wide variety of materials, but the most significant is the extensive correspondence. There are letters from many of the leading Mennonites of his time, such as missionaries H. R. Voth and J. B. Frey (Cornelius’ brother), Oklahoma leader Michael Klaassen, and even a few European Mennonites such as Christian Neff. Among the other important materials are Bethanian Church records, a large group of pamphlets and printed matter, and some political materials. These political items are election records and census materials for West Branch Township, Marion County, for the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century. These records provide a bit of first-hand evidence for the extent of Mennonite interest and involvement in politics at this time. The collection also contains quite a bit of personal materials such as diaries, financial records, and school materials. An interesting item in the school materials is the minutes of the Grünfeld Literary and Song Society for 1890. The papers of A. J. Frey, the other group of materials in this collection, consist almost entirely of genealogical materials. Frey collected all kinds of records and reminiscences in his genealogical research. These materials would be extremely important to the family histories of persons connected with the Alexanderwohl and Tabor churches. Also in A. J. Frey’s materials is a volume of Mennonite Aid Plan minutes, 1897-1960. Appendix: The materials in this addition to the collection are generally similar to the first part of the collection, consisting most importantly of correspondence, genealogy records, and Coy, Oklahoma, historical records. In addition, the appendix contains a small amount of correspondence and other material of family members other than Arthur J. or Cornelius Frey. They are: John Becker (1870-1968) and Eva Frey Becker (1880-1960), Eva sister of Cornelius Benjamin C. Frey (1895-1960), son of Cornelius Eva Balzer (Henry) Frey (1873-1936), sister-in-law of Cornelius Helena Schmidt (Cornelius) Frey (1870-1934), wife of Cornelius John B. Frey (1882-1942) and Sarah Unruh Frey (1885-1967), John brother of Cornelius Maria Wedel (Benjamin) Frey (1843-1934), mother of Cornelius Sara Elizabeth Frey (Paul G.) Schmidt (1898-1974), daughter of Cornelius Maria Ann Frey (McLoren) Temple (1906-), daughter of Cornelius

Frey, Arthur J., 1900-1980

Esko Walter Loewen Papers

  • US BCMLA 00/MS.153
  • Collection
  • 1881-1980

Includes files from his institutional involvements such as Institute for Mennonite Studies and Board of Christian Service, family history materials, and files from congregations he served, such as Bethel College Mennonite Church and Zion Mennonite Church (Souderton, Pa.)

Loewen, Esko, 1917-1981

Jacob D. Goering Papers

  • US BCMLA 00/MS.154
  • Collection
  • 1874-1974

from a typed note in box 1: “The Swiss-Volhynian Mennonites Settling in Kansas 1874-1974, Jacob D. Goering.     “The information contained in these files was collected on 32 of the original 62 families of the Swiss-Volhynian Mennonites who immigrated from Russia in 1874 and settled at Moundridge, kansas. The purpose of this study was to determine the degree of generational drift among the descendants of this group of people from generation to generation on four variables: 1. Geographic location; 2. Occupation; 3. Religious affiliation; and 4. Educational attainment.     “In most instances a separate information sheet exists for each adult. These are organized generation by generation and family unit by family unit. In addition to the four items mentioned above, these sheets usually contain information on date of birth and death, avocational interests, marital status, and occasionally even anecdotal material. The latter are not complete, however. A summary sheet on each of the immigrant families on which data were obtained is enclosed with the raw data in each envelope.     “Similar summaries could probably be made on the remaining 30 or so families from the data since the inter-familial linkage (intermarriage) was so extensive.     “A summary article based on these data was submitted to the Kansas Journal of Sociology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, and it is expected that it will appear in the June 1974 issue.”

Goering, Jacob D., 1918-2019

Allan J. Teichroew Papers

  • US BCMLA 00/MS.155
  • Collection
  • 1917-1950

Most of the papers are photocopies from the National Archives and Library of Congress related to Teichroew’s thesis or dissertation (never completed) about Mennonites in World War I. There is some later material also, World War 2 related.

Teichroew, Allan J.

Elbert E. Koontz Papers

  • US BCMLA 00/MS.156
  • Collection
  • 1940-1978

Correspondence, 1-W work, church merger (Hillsboro), Mississippi Delta Ministers Project Report 1965, other Hillsboro files, peace subject file, church and state subject file, clippings, Kansas Council of Churches, retreats and recreation, interview notes by Robert Kreider, sermons

Koontz, Elbert E., 1916-1978

Gerhard Wiens Papers

  • US BCMLA 00/MS.158
  • Collection
  • 1930-1974

Book list, G. Friesen, American Dialect Society, Class notes, Garden 1972, Low German play by J. J. Enns, Mennonitische Lehranstalt, A. Kroeker, Language teaching materials, Misc. printed matter, Russian book (on Gogol?), Correspondence, Other misc. files, Frank H. Epp, FL Newsletter - Dept. Of Modern Languages - Univ. of Oklahoma, Alexander Petzholdt material, old Life magazines, Astude (University of Idaho), Class handouts, articles by Wiens, books

Wiens, Gerhard, 1905-1974

John S. Hirschler Papers

  • US BCMLA 00/MS.159
  • Collection
  • 1880-1910


Hirschler, John S., 1847-1915

Reinhard Weinbrenner Papers

  • US BCMLA 00/MS.160
  • Collection
  • 1896-1948

diaries and account books

Weinbrenner, Reinhard, 1872-1951

Results 1 to 15 of 10691