- Series
Part of John Howard Yoder Papers
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Part of John Howard Yoder Papers
Part of John Howard Yoder Papers
Includes curricula vitae, obituaries, bibliographies of Yoder's works, an interview with Yoder's parents, funeral service materials, a copy of Anne Marie Guth Yoder's biography, and other miscellaneous materials.
Part of Leland A. Bachman Papers
Over 250 questionnaires filled out by pastors about college student presentations and musical performances in worship, congregational settings, and community settings from 1950 to 1960. Researchers should note that box and folder numbers for this series do not match the current physical arrangement.
Part of Abram B. Kolb Papers 1866-1923
Consists primarily of incoming correspondence to A. B. Kolb. Also includes scattered incoming and outgoing correspondence to his wife, Phoebe, his children, and Salome Funk (Mrs. John F. Funk).
Part of Abram B. Kolb Papers 1866-1923
Consists primarily of mansucripts and articles written or translated by Kolb. Also includes photographs and clippings about the Bell Company, family photographs, booklets, and ephemera.
Part of Leonhard B. Rempel Papers
Part of Leonhard B. Rempel Papers
Part of Leonhard B. Rempel Papers
Assembly 5 (Basel, Switzerland)
Assembly 6 (Karlsruhe, West Germany)
Part of Daniel Graber Papers 1900-1930
Largely incoming correspondence regarding family matters and Grabers work with the mission board of the (old) Mennonite Church.
Part of Arnold C. Schultz Papers
Part of Norman Arthur Lind Family Papers
Photographs of Norman Arthur and Sarah Lind, Norman's parents (Jacob L. and Maggie Lind), Norman's grandmother, Elizabeth Lind, and a number of other members of the Lind family. Also includes photographs of Elkhart Institute and Wadsworth Normal School student groups.
Part of Paul Erb Papers
Brief daily entries documenting the weather and daily activities.
Notes for Orie O. Miller Biography
Part of Paul Erb Papers
This series consists primarily of notecards created by Erb in the course of writing his 1969 biography of Mennonite lay leader and administrator Orie O. Miller. The notecards are organized by subject and contain references to orignal documents found in the Orie O. Miller papers and other archival holdings. They also contain anecdotes shared by Miller and others regarding Miller's family life and career. A small set of assembled documents and clippings about Miller and his work, as well as a transcript of an interview with Miller, also may be found in this series.