83539 Treffer anzeigen

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Glen Friesen and Dennis Bueckert
Glen Friesen and Dennis Bueckert
Mann auf Pferd
Mann auf Pferd
Familienfoto vor dem Haus
Familienfoto vor dem Haus
Anne Penner
Anne Penner
Totem pole
Totem pole
Frying pancakes at Relief Sales
Frying pancakes at Relief Sales
Rekha Roy (India)
Rekha Roy (India)
Canadian wheat arrives in India
Canadian wheat arrives in India
In Jamaica
In Jamaica
Maranatha School for the deaf in Jamaica
Maranatha School for the deaf in Jamaica
Jamaican children
Jamaican children
Meat canning for MCC
Meat canning for MCC
Kirchliche Mennonite Church in Alma Ata, Soviet Union
Kirchliche Mennonite Church in Alma Ata, Soviet Union
U. S. Ministries
U. S. Ministries
Ergebnisse: 1 bis 15 von 83539