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83426 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects

Aline Widmer
Aline Widmer
North Star Mennonite Church, Drake
North Star Mennonite Church, Drake
Dennis Fast speaking at the 1990 General Conference of MB Churches convention
Dennis Fast speaking at the 1990 General Conference of MB Churches convention
Jake Buhler brief and slide descriptions
Jake Buhler brief and slide descriptions
Heier Home
Heier Home
Franz Ratzlaff's house
Franz Ratzlaff's house
Life story of Bishop Cornelius Regehr
Life story of Bishop Cornelius Regehr
"Die Wandelnde Seele, das ist Gespräche der Wandelnden Seele"
"Die Wandelnde Seele, das ist Gespräche der Wandelnden Seele"
Jacob and Katharina Janzen with their son Isaac
Jacob and Katharina Janzen with their son Isaac
Sermon no. 13. Wedding
Sermon no. 13. Wedding
Peter Elias diary transcription excerpts - memoir material
Peter Elias diary transcription excerpts - memoir material
Sermon no. 66. Baptism sermon
Sermon no. 66. Baptism sermon
Maria and Heinrich Enns
Maria and Heinrich Enns
Articles regarding Mennonites from the 1880s and 1890s, in Brothers in Deed to Brothers in Need/ Clarence Hiebert, Picturesque Canada/ G.M. Grant, The Northwest Magazine, Cora Hind
Articles regarding Mennonites from the 1880s and 1890s, in Brothers in Deed to Brothers in Need/ Clarence Hiebert, Picturesque Canada/ G.M. Grant, The Northwest Magazine, Cora Hind
Peter H. Wedel
Peter H. Wedel
Results 1 to 15 of 258714