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83406 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects


Incoming and outgoing personal, professional, and pastoral correspondence. Contains a good deal of friendly correspondence with Pennsylvania Mennonites, Also includes a lot of correspondence regarding mission business and tracts. Mininger's correspondence with and about religious conscientious objectors in World War I is particularly significant. Correspondence is largely arranged chronologically. Correspondence arranged by correspondents' names may be found at the end of the series.

Correspondence, Newsletters, and Miscellaneous Materials

The richest source of information in this series are Marian Hostetler's personal letters sent while she was serving in Algeria under Mennonite Central Committee in the 1960s.  The letters contain interesting observations on political and social conditions in Algeria, as well as information about Hostetler's relief work.  Also of particular note in this series is a work of graphic non-fiction by Hostetler entitled, "Un Aperçu de la Vie du Prophète William Wadé Harris."  Other materials in this series include unit and alumni newsletters from the MCC Algeria Unit and the newsletter of the Mennonite Voluntary Service Unit in Gulfport, Miss.


Diaries and databooks kept by T. K. Hershey. Entries are fairly descriptive and discuss Hershey's daily appointments and activities. This series includes special diaries kept during trips. Researchers should note that there are gaps in this series.

Biographical Information

Includes curricula vitae, obituaries, bibliographies of Yoder's works, an interview with Yoder's parents, funeral service materials, a copy of Anne Marie Guth Yoder's biography, and other miscellaneous materials.


Consists primarily of incoming correspondence to A. B. Kolb. Also includes scattered incoming and outgoing correspondence to his wife, Phoebe, his children, and Salome Funk (Mrs. John F. Funk).

Miscellaneous Materials

Consists primarily of mansucripts and articles written or translated by Kolb.  Also includes photographs and clippings about the Bell Company, family photographs, booklets, and ephemera.


Photographs of Norman Arthur and Sarah Lind, Norman's parents (Jacob L. and Maggie Lind), Norman's grandmother, Elizabeth Lind, and a number of other members of the Lind family. Also includes photographs of Elkhart Institute and Wadsworth Normal School student groups.


Brief daily entries documenting the weather and daily activities.

Results 1 to 15 of 258685