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Surviving members of the family of Abraham Witmer, 1925

Copy of the sole surviving members of the family of Abraham Witmer, who were still alive on July 1, 1925. Taken at the Witmer homestead in Hespeler, Ontario. Front row, l-r: Isaac Witmer (1842-1929); Mary (Witmer) Graybiel (1834-1941); John Witmer (1838-?). Back row, l-r: Benjamin Witmer (1845-1938); Henry Witmer (1847-1930). Hunsberger photo

Hunsberger, David L.

Olly Penner at CFAM Radio

Olly Penner sitting in front of a CFAM Radio microphone and holding a letter that was sent in by a fan. Bill Kehler sits beside her with headphones on. Often times Aunt Olly would read her fan-mail on the radio , this was also a good way to send birthday wishes to friends in a special way. It's likely that this was being recorded someplace outside of the CFAM Studio as there is a mother with her children watching Aunt Olly in the background.

CFAM Staff

A full staff photograph of the people working at CFAM. The back row from left to right is: Elmer Hildebrand, George Kehler, Lionel Moore, Walter Lindenbach, Hans Andriesen, Dennis Barkman, Jake Elias, Leonard Enns, Norman Friesen, Bill Kehler. The front row from left to right is: Eric Friesen, Ken Klassen, Ruth Dueck, Jolene Lespérance, Olly Penner, Dorothy Klassen, Dr. P.J. Olsen, Gerry Rempel.

Peter's Model Houses

Peter P. Dyck and his hospital bed have been brought outside onto the grounds of the Carman Hospital. He is covered by a small canopy on the lawn that was built by Peter's father so that he could have some shade and coverage while outside. Peter has brought two model houses with him, one a house and one a barn, that he builds in the winter months.

Peter's Model Houses

Peter P. Dyck lying on his stomach on his hospital bed. The bed has been fitted with wheels and brought outside onto the grounds of the Carman Hospital. Peter has brought with him two of the model houses, one a house and one a barn, that he builds during the winter months.

Peter P. Dyck

Peter P. Dyck lying in his bed at his home in Altona, Manitoba. His cat Tommy sits on his bedside table.

Teenagers pulling boat to shore

Teen-aged passengers on a small boat that had left Vietnam for Malasyia heading for the refugee camp in Pulau Bidong. Here the boat is being pulled in by strong young men from the refugee camp on the coast of Malasyia. Story inlcuded with the photograph.


Radio Guests

A group of children as guests on the CFAM Radio program "Children's Place" with Aunt Olly. From left to right, not including Olly Penner, they are: Sandra Heinrichs, Norma Gerbrandt, Lois Goertzen, Steven Penner, Karen Thiessen, David Penner, Kenny Penner, Elizabeth Toni and Joan Funk.

Aunt Olly Promotion

A CFAM promotional photograph of Aunt Olly with a backdrop of woodland creatures. Aunt Olly is holding a book of fairytales that would be read over the radio. This photograph was distributed by CFAM in 1963 as a way of promoting the Children's Place program on the radio. Photo and illustrations by George Sawatzky of Sawatzky photo Studio, Winkler..

Jacob S. and Villina Cressman family

  • CA MAO 1990-1 29
  • Item
  • 1915

Seated: Villina (Snider) Cressman; Villina Cressman; Samuel Cressman; Jacob S. Cressman. Standing: Elma Cressman; Viola Cressman;Ivan Cressman; Alson Cressman; Herbert Cressman; Jacob Cressman; Ida Cressman; Lizzie Ann

Results 1 to 15 of 91748