Glen Friesen and Dennis Bueckert
- CA MHC PP-11 Photo Collection 577-0.0
- Item
- 1955
Part of Isaac I. Friesen fonds
This photo shows Glen Friesen and Dennis Bueckert riding in a toy car and a toy tractor in the Bueckert's yard in Saskatoon.
Glen Friesen and Dennis Bueckert
Part of Isaac I. Friesen fonds
This photo shows Glen Friesen and Dennis Bueckert riding in a toy car and a toy tractor in the Bueckert's yard in Saskatoon.
Part of Ansiedlungsjahre im Chaco
Part of Ansiedlungsjahre im Chaco
In Schönwiese, 1931, auf dem Hofe von Johann Dürksens.
Von links nach rechts: Vater Johann Dürksen; Mutter Katharina Dürksen; Sara Dürksen, geb. Bergen (Frau von Jakob); Jakob Dürksen (Sohn von Jakob); Martin Dürksen; Heinrich Dürksen; Peter Dürksen; Indiander; Jakob Dürksen.
Auf diesem Bild sieht man die Wohnung, die Ernte: Kafir und Wassermelonen, das Kalb und die Hühner.
Deb Laws and Carl Landis at the Lancaster VS Unit
This is a photo of (left to right): Deb Laws and Carl Landis sitting at a table having a discussion with other Lancaster, PA unit members.
Wiebe, Christine
Nepali children looking at a Bible
This is a photo of two Nepali children looking at the new Nepali Bible.
United Mission to Nepal
Kirchliche Mennonite Church in Alma Ata, Soviet Union
This is a photo of two women and a young girl outside the meeting place of the Kirchliche Mennonite Church in Alma Ata, Soviet Union. 2 copies
Sawatsky, Walter W., 1945-
This is a photo of Steve Egli (right) with school children in an education project about Indian culture.
Egli, Anne
Jan Harmon in Washington, D. C.
This is a photo of Jan Harmon on the phone at her desk at the Friends Committee on National Legislation.
Burnett, Tina Mast
Peter Neufeld speaking at Neuwied Mennonite Church in Germany
This is a photo of Peter Neufeld officiating in special baptismal services at the New Mennonite Church of Neuwied, Germany. There is a large cross on the wall.
Sawatsky, Walter W., 1945-
This is a photo of Major Gardiner dipping stew out of a large pot to feed Calcutta's hungry.
Reimer, Doug
A woman shops at New Holland Thrift Shop
This is a photo of a woman looking in the button bin at the Re-Uzit Shop, New Holland, PA.
King, Jim
This is a photo of (left to right): chairman Newton Gingrich, Urbane Peachey and executive secretary William Snyder at the MCC Annual Meeting in Reedley, CA.
Beach, Mark
This is a photo of Jane Roeschley and Marjorie Grey with two young children at Oberlin School's day care centre in Jamaica.
Bartel, Bob (Robert Brian), 1947-
This is a photo of a Bangladesh woman cleaning hemp fibres on device made of bamboo. These fibres are then twisted into ropes and twine in a Mennonite Central Committee job creation project.
Dirks, Douglas, 1951-
Canadian wheat arrives in India
This is a photo of bags of wheat being unloaded with a large net from the hold of a ship. The wheat was brought to Calcutta from Canada.
Doerksen, Alvin Alan, 1948-