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81079 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects

Group photo
Group photo
Heinrich E. and Elizabeth Broesky Kornelson and family
Heinrich E. and Elizabeth Broesky Kornelson and family
Blumenort School moved to Prairie Rose to be used for church/school
Blumenort School moved to Prairie Rose to be used for church/school
John & Leona Reimer, first missionaries sent out by Steinbach EMC
John & Leona Reimer, first missionaries sent out by Steinbach EMC
Danbury Chapel, Western Gospel Mission, about 1948
Danbury Chapel, Western Gospel Mission, about 1948
Mafeking MB (Shoal River)
Mafeking MB (Shoal River)
Orientation committee: L-R: Milton Fast, Ben Friesen, Abe Unger, Harvey Plett
Orientation committee: L-R: Milton Fast, Ben Friesen, Abe Unger, Harvey Plett
Class at orientation session
Class at orientation session
Dora Friesen, Rosenort MB
Dora Friesen, Rosenort MB
Youth Retreat
Youth Retreat
Washing dishes
Washing dishes
The climb to Steep Rock"? or going to the swimming area?
The climb to Steep Rock"? or going to the swimming area?
Clearing brush - to set up tents?
Clearing brush - to set up tents?
Results 1 to 15 of 256497