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Showing 81075 results

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Cornelius and Hilda Unterroeg
Cornelius and Hilda Unterroeg
Paul and Lois Unruh
Paul and Lois Unruh
Wilhelm Unruh
Wilhelm Unruh
Belva and Verney Unruh
Belva and Verney Unruh
Robert Unruh and Gerald Shank, Paraguay
Robert Unruh and Gerald Shank, Paraguay
Hector Valencia
Hector Valencia
Jim Wallis
Jim Wallis
G. Wiebe
G. Wiebe
Erland Waltner
Erland Waltner
Menno Wiebe
Menno Wiebe
Johann Willms
Johann Willms
Anne Warkentin
Anne Warkentin
Trees Planted by Conscientious Objectors
Trees Planted by Conscientious Objectors
Levi Wingert
Levi Wingert
Helen Wiebe
Helen Wiebe
Results 1 to 15 of 81075