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Mennonite youth group in Buenos Aires

This item shows the youth group at an outing to the Laplata River. (l-r): Martin Durksen (minister), Victor Unger, Bruno Lotz, Erika Lotz, Heinrich Penner, Erika Matthies, Adolf Schroeder, Erika Braun, Max Schroeder, Lena Schetter, Erna Deurdenko, Rudolf Dyck.

John Thut Photographs

  • US MCUSAA HM4/388
  • Collection
  • 1920-1946

The richest materials among these photographs are the140 color slides depicing Thut's volunteer work in England with German prisoners of war after World War II and his subsequent travel in the Western United States to Civilian Public Service (CPS) camps. These labeled and well-composed slides include images of Thut's living and working conditions in England, art work made by German POWs, and scenes of CPS work in Montana, South Dakota, and California. Also of note is a slide of Peter and Elfrieda Dyck's wedding gifts.

Click on "Online Images / Records" to see an inventory of the slides.

Other materials among Thut's photographs include a number of poorly-labeled black and white photographic prints of Goshen College in the early 1920s. Notable scenes include a May Day celebration and the construction of the college gymnasium. Also included is his passport obtained in 1944.

Thut, John, 1898-1994

Volunteer Workers at MHSS

  • CA MHSS UNK 156
  • Item
  • 29 January 2003

Menno Nickel, Viola Schmidt, Rosemary Slater and Helen Fast working on Sask Valley News obituaries

Mennonite Historical Society of Saskatchewan

Mennonite Church USA Pacific Northwest Mennonite Conference Records (PNMC)

  • US PNMHS III-3.1
  • Collection
  • 1984-2024

This collection contains the pre-integration planning for the merger of Pacific Coast Conference and Pacific District Conference and the operational records of the resulting Pacific Northwest Mennonite Conference.

Mennonite Church USA. Pacific Northwest Mennonite Conference

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