256498 Treffer anzeigen

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Baker barn built ca.1822. One of two Penna.

  • CA MAO 1989-7 33
  • Einzelstück
  • 1986

Baker barn built ca.1822. One of two Penna. German log cantilever barns still remaining in Ontario. Note: Other one can be seen at Black Creek Pioneer Village. Lot 11, Vaughan, York Co.

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Ferne Delores Bender

  • CA MAO 1984-1 632
  • Einzelstück
  • 1963

Ferne Delores Bender. OMBS & I photo

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Esther Ruth Friesen

  • CA MAO 1984-1 679
  • Einzelstück
  • 1964

Esther Ruth Friesen. OMBS & I photo

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Ephraim Horst

  • CA MAO 1984-1 500
  • Einzelstück
  • 1960

Ephraim Horst. OMBS & I photo

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Earl Donald Bender

  • CA MAO 1984-1 631
  • Einzelstück
  • 1963

Earl Donald Bender. OMBS & I photo

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David D. Bergey

From New Dundee, Ont. Elected president of Rural Section of Ontario School Area Trustee's & Municipal Councillors' Association, Inc. in March 1967. Used in CM 15-16-3.

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The planning committee for a youth convention

  • CA MAO 2000-1 183
  • Einzelstück
  • 1964

The planning committee for a youth convention meets in Kitchener in the 1960s. Left to right: Dale Schumm, Vernon Leis, David Groh, Herb Schultz.

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The Franz and Helena Warkentin family

This item shows Franz and Helena Warkentin posing (at the centre) with their family at a festive occasion, their 25th wedding anniversary. At the left, is their oldest son, Ewald, with wife Annie Wiens and their young son Randy. Then (l-r) is Walter, young Ronald, and Betty, with husband Albert Janzen. Beside Albert is Helmut. Then to the right of Franz is young Norbert and sister Betty. At the back right, is Rudolf, with wife Monika Kroeker.

Family of Abram and Mary Toman

  • CA MAO 1987-5 22
  • Einzelstück
  • 1880

Abram and Mary (Bricker) Toman and their children. Back row (left to right): Joseph Toman; Amos Toman; Rebecca (Toman) Gehl, Samuel Toman, Abraham Toman. Front row (left to right): Mary (Toman) MIller, Leah (Toman) Otto, Sarah (Toman) Fried, Susannah (Toman) Knechtel.Two copies of photograph.

Yarrow Christian high school instructors and students

Students of the class of 1951-1952 includes 53 students and their four instructors at the Yarrow Christian High School. Top row (left to right) : Walter Unger, Erica (Kaethler) Voth, Arthur Klassen, Dorothy Klassen, Elmer Goertz, Ruth (Nikkel) Pankratz, Abe Konrad, Alvina Sukkau, V. Wall, Hildegard (Rempel) Krahn, Bert Krause. Second row (left to right) : Harvey Neufeldt, David Loewen, Irvin Klassen, Arthur Janzen. Third row (left to right) : Elmer Klassen, Herb Klassen, Arthur Loewen, John Neufeld. Fourth row (left to right) : Charlotte (Rempel) Shier, John Harder, Frieda Fast, Abe Ratzlaff, Elfrieda (Kopp) Braun, Viola (Kaethler) Neumann, J. Braun, Ruth Janzen, G. Penner, F. Lorenz. Fifth row (left to right) : Martha Matties, Qalter Giesbrecht, Katie Klassen, Jake Schmidt, Elfrieda (Neufeldt) Konrad, Rusty Bergman, Lora (Neufeldt) Sawatsky, Peter Goosen, Erna (Janzen) Siemens, Ike Loewen, Kathy (Enns) Unruh. Sixth row (left to right) : Mary (Ratzlaff) Martens, Paul Unger, B. Matthies, Jake Boldt, Jake Penner, Hannah (Nikkel) Sims, Helmut Allert, Edith (Rempel) Simpson.
Seventh row (left to right) : B Derksen, Henry Nikkel. Eighth row (left to right) : Peter Penner, Dave Loewen, Viola Heinrichs, Elvira (Lenzmann) Lysack, Elvira (Kopp) Thiessen, Betty (Nikkel) Toews, Elvira Penner, E. Rempel, Hilda (Maartens) Reimer, Margaret (Konrad) Reimer, Leonard Neufeldt. Four instructors between 2nd and 3rd row left to right : Jacob Reimer, H. Voth, H.H. Voth, Herbert Klassen.

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