- CA MHSBC 112-16-1-2018.002.071
- Einzelstück
- 1930
Teil vonJohn B Toews fonds
Female students with their teachers at the Coaldale Bible school. Johann Toews is standing at the far left side.
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Teil vonJohn B Toews fonds
Female students with their teachers at the Coaldale Bible school. Johann Toews is standing at the far left side.
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Teil vonJohn B Toews fonds
Male students with their teachers at the Coaldale Bible school.
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Teil vonJohn B Toews fonds
Bible school student and their teachers. Johan Aron Toews is standing at the wall on the far left.
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Teil vonJohn B Toews fonds
Bible school students and teachers standing in front of the school steps.
Teil vonJohn B Toews fonds
Coaldale Bible school students and teachers. Johann Aron Toews is standing in the second row in the middle with the white beard.
Sparkletonne photography
Teil vonJohn B Toews fonds
Bible school students with Johann Aron Toews in the middle of the front row.
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Teil vonJohn B Toews fonds
Bible school students in front of the school.
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Teil vonJohn B Toews fonds
Bible school students and teachers. Johann Araon Toews is standing to the far left of the picture.
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Teil vonJohn B Toews fonds
Coaldale Bible school students and teachers on a school picnic .
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Teil vonJohn B Toews fonds
The new Mennonite High school in Coaldale, Alberta, 1946-1964
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B.B. Janz at work on his memoirs
Teil vonJohn B Toews fonds
B.B. Janz is sitting at a table writing.
Teil vonJohn B Toews fonds
10 members (farmers) of a board meeting around a table.
Teil vonJohn B Toews fonds
Coaldale Mennonite Brethren church choir. First row (left to right): Peter Dick, Helen Janz, J.B. Toews, Mary (Janz) Neumann, George Schmidt. Second row (left to right): Susanna (Martens) Walde, Katie (Klassen) Regehr, Elizabeth (Klassen) Langemann, Neta Brooks, Johanna Klassen, Helen Martens, Mary Dick, Anna Brucks. Third row (left to right): unknown, unknown, unknown. Fourth row (left to right): Elfrieda Klassen, ? Koop, Tina Dick, David Martens, Liese Dick, unknown. Fifth row (left to right): unknown, unknown, Susie Brucks, Isaak Janzen, Tina Enns, unknown, Lydia (Toews) Dick, Peter Martens
Teil vonJohn B Toews fonds
A large group of Mennonite leaders posing outdoors in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Sitting on rug (left to right) : Jacob B. Janz, unknown, unknown. Sitting on bench (left to right) : Aron A. Toews, unknown, David Toews, Unknown, B.B. Janz. Third row (left to right) : unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, C.F. Klassen, unknown, D.D. Durksen, unknown, unknown.
Teil vonJohn B Toews fonds
Continuing the construction of the Coaldale MB Church.
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