91829 Treffer anzeigen

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Neufeld family

Heide Nadene and her brother Ernst David Neufeld (grandchildren of Kornelius and Kathyrn (Regehr) Neufeld), are sitting at the piano with their mother?

Unbekannt ...


Graduation of Lydia Regehr at Mennonite Brethren College in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Left to right : Lydia Regehr, unknown.

Unbekannt ...

Farmers leading oxen

Two farmers working with oxen pulling the plow to plow the fields.


Forestry workers

Two forestry workers in their quarters reading and discussing. One is sitting on a chair and the other is lying on the bed.


A young woman

A young woman standing behind a chair.

Unknown woman

A young woman posing in a studio.


Two young women

Two young women posing outside beside a brick wall of a building; one is sitting and the other is standing.

A young woman

A young woman posing in a studio.

Unbekannt ...

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