_____ and Marvin Schmidt behind the pulpit.
- CA CMBS NP149-3-158
- Item
- June 1977
Part of MB Herald Photograph Collection
This photo is of _____ and Marvin Schmidt behind the pulpit at an Alberta MB Conference convention.
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_____ and Marvin Schmidt behind the pulpit.
Part of MB Herald Photograph Collection
This photo is of _____ and Marvin Schmidt behind the pulpit at an Alberta MB Conference convention.
Part of MB Herald Photograph Collection
This photo is of _____ speaking at a Saskatchewan MB Conference convention. Lorne Willems and Clarence Peters (l-r) sit on stage at the right.
____ Wiens speaks from the floor
Part of MB Herald Photograph Collection
This photo is of _____ Wiens speaking from the floor at a General MB Conference convention.
This is a photo of Richard Horch standing on the steps to a house. There is a cement path and a fence going along the right side of the house. Richard is in a dark suit. See volume 1231, binder 17, pg 77.
Part of Gospel Tidings Radio Broadcast Photograph Collection
This is a group photo of the gospel tidings group on the 10th anniversary.
12th Mennonite World Conference
This is a photo of the Winnipeg Stadium at the 12th Mennonite World Conference.
Note: photo is colored.
12th Mennonite World Conference
This photo shows (left to right): Helmut Harder, Elke Huebert, Hugo Zorilla and Claude reading the Assembly Statement.
Note: photo is colored.
12th Mennonite World Conference
This is a photo of Holda Fast leading the singing.
12th Mennonite World Conference
This is a photo of a full bus in Winnipeg.
12th Mennonite World Conference
This photo shows three women and four men singing.
Note: photo is colored.
1939 Dodge with antique pumps. -- Christmas Card
This is a photo of a cream colored 1939 Dodge parked along two antique gas station pumps with red stars. Paul Horch is standing behind the car in a grey hat with dark glasses. See volume 1231, binder 18, pg 134
A studio photograph of two bridal couples married on the same day.
2 Women at Winkler Bible Institute
This photo is of 2 women posing for a photo who attended Winkler Bible Institute.
This photo is of the house on 328 Russel St. where services were held in the basement.
This is a photo of Edward Horch standing behind a fence in front of a dark house with white trim, no. 454. There is a little girl standing in between two windows at the side of the house. See volume 1231, binder 17, pg 76.