A woman looks through a copy of the book "Hannes Schneider, His Descendants and Times" in the processing room of the Mennonite Archives of Ontario in the Conrad Grebel library
Conrad Grebel University College (Waterloo, Ontario)
Alumni around a table in the dining hall at the 25th anniversary banquet. Left to right: Rob Brennan, Joyce (Sweatman) Brennan, David Bell, Len Rempel.
Conrad Grebel University College (Waterloo, Ontario)
Freda Burkholder (BSc '84) on piano, Carolyn Dueck, on cello and Lorna Schwartzentruber (BA '83) on flute perform music at the 1987 Conrad Grebel alumni banquet
Conrad Grebel University College (Waterloo, Ontario)
Andrew Bean (seated, centre), a Master of Theological Studies student, at his "cognate conversation" with Conrad Grebel College faculty (left to right) Conrad Brunk, Werner Packull, Jim Reimer. As of 1996, Bean was the oldest student to study at the College.
Conrad Grebel University College (Waterloo, Ontario)
Photograph of the cast, crew and pit band of the Conrad Grebel student production of "Anne of Green Gables" at the Conrad Centre for the Performing Arts. Many of the students involved autographed the back of the photograph.
Conrad Grebel University College (Waterloo, Ontario)
A banner made by Conrad Grebel students at the fall retreat in 1998 hangs in the chapel. Students were invited to make blocks at the retreat. The blocks were then sewn together, and the quilt knotted and bound by Janice Bauman and Sara Cressman.
Conrad Grebel University College (Waterloo, Ontario)