? teaching a Sunday School class
3 views of the congregation at the dedication service of new sanctuary
3 views of the congregation at the dedication service of new sanctuary
3 views of the congregation at the dedication service of new sanctuary
A bus-load came from Burns Lake and Vanderhoof BC - 5 pictures
A bus-load came from Burns Lake and Vanderhoof BC - 5 pictures
A bus-load came from Burns Lake and Vanderhoof BC - 5 pictures
A bus-load came from Burns Lake and Vanderhoof BC - 5 pictures
A bus-load came from Burns Lake and Vanderhoof BC - 5 pictures
A chartered bus came from Manitoba with 33 persons on board
A Christian Life Class: L-R Helen & Walter Hamm, Margaret Hiebert, Kathy Hildebrandt, Ralph Unger, Wanda Wiebe Andrew Martens (deacon)
A class at Gramado Christian Academy with teacher Peter Hiebert (?).Marvin Thiessen report
A country road - 3 pictures
A country road - 3 pictures
A country road - 3 pictures