1 wall of the St. Boniface Basilica (& cemetery in front of it), the roof missing, the windows open. A fireman stands at the top of a long ladder above the wall pouring water down on the fire. Enlarged from #1 in 1994-14.2078
Used in CM 8-33-1. 12 young people (6 men, 6 women) attended the B. of Christian Service orientation in Newton, Ka. The men are in alternative service. See CM for their names & where they served.
Used in CM 9-38-12. View inside (front) of tent at 125 anniversay of Bergthaler Mennonite Church in Winkler, Man. Elder J. F. Pauls, behind the pulpit, substituted for his ailing father, Elder J. M. Pauls at the afternoon program. David Schulz? visible also, seated in front of the choir. Gladiolas decorate the platfrom to the l. & r. of the platform. The theme: "Bis Hierher Hat Der Herr Uns Geholfen" is clearly visible above the platform.
Negatives only, 2. Top neg. used in CM 11-35-9. 12th annual Driediger family reunion in Leamington, Ont. In first row, behind children are: Rev. N. N. Driediger, Mr. & Mrs. Jake (Abram J.?) Dick & the widows of Abram N. Driediger & Jacob N. Driediger. Taken in front of the Leamington UM Church.
Negative also. Used in CM 4-40-7. 12 (11 women & 1 man) of the 15 volunteers who completed orientation for MCC VS. See CM for their names. The man, 2nd from right, seated, holds a baby.
2 copies of photo of Russian Baptists at MCC annual mtg., Jan. 23-24, 1970: Sergei Timchenko, Mrs. Klaudia Pillipuk, Ilia Orlov. Cropped for use in CM 18-28-9. MCC arranged the ongoing visits with Russian Baptists.
2 photos of Canadian & Japanese youth, at departure? of Bridgebuilderstour group, the 6th one in NA, sponsored by MCC & the Tokyo English Center. Chiyo Sakakibara is in both photos, Gan in one. Tour bus in bkgd. of one photo.
2 photos of Jacques Ellul's books, taken by Eerdmans, the publisher. Photo of "The Meaning of the City" was used in the CM 18-42-6. Photo of the book "Introducing Jacques Ellul" also. He was a prolific author, thelogian, etc.
Note on back: "Part of the large crowd." Attendance at the 25th anniversary of the Ont. MB Cf. held at Eden Christian College. See 1994-14.2012 & 2013 which were used in the CM.
Used in CM 2-29-3. 28 Pax men at orientation at Messiah College. In front row: H.W. Taves, dean of the school & asst. manager of Waterloo office; C.N. Hostetter, MCC chair; W.T. Snyder, asst. exec. sec.; V.A. Olsen, sec. NSS.
Used in CM 12-14-3. Participants at 2nd annual Christian Educ. Cf. of Canadian MB churches at the North Kildonan MBchurch George Konrad (back to camera) speaking. H.H. Voth sits at left front. C.f.1993-990 for photo of Konrad.