Showing 9797 results

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MB Herald Photograph Collection With digital objects
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_____ and Henry Dick shaking hands on stage
_____ and Henry Dick shaking hands on stage
_____ and Peter Friesen behind the pulpit
_____ and Peter Friesen behind the pulpit
100th birthday party
100th birthday party
108 Chapel building
108 Chapel building
108 Chapel leaders
108 Chapel leaders
10th Anniversary
10th Anniversary
1972 MWC presidium
1972 MWC presidium
1983 Conference on Aboriginal Constitutional Matters
1983 Conference on Aboriginal Constitutional Matters
200 years of Sunday school
200 years of Sunday school
25 year celebration
25 year celebration
25th anniversary for the Redekops
25th anniversary for the Redekops
40th anniversary
40th anniversary
42 Chulupie baptismal candidates
42 Chulupie baptismal candidates
50 year anniversary monument
50 year anniversary monument
50 year anniversary monument
50 year anniversary monument
Results 1 to 15 of 9797